Monday, December 10, 2012


Seasons, glorious turnings of spring to summer,
Falling into autumn with the blister of winter at it’s heels.
There are days that lay heavy on the soul.
Could there have been other roads?
The heart chooses the best it can
but we are delusional in our grasp of control.
Like a bottle floating in an open ocean, we are subject to swells
and never ending, always bending currents
pulling us onward.
Sometimes backwards.
Until we reach the shore.
Inside of us, a mirror that reflects the thoughts
The doubts,
The hopes,
The prayers
And the resolves.
Magnifying their presence
We can either look into those reflections
Or shine them outward.
A world of emotion hidden behind,
Keeping our secrets close.
Keeping our journey silent.
To look around in the world
And see below the surface.
To see the seasons of others,
To find them drifting in the tides.
We are together but separate in our struggles
Yet from above, we are closer than we think.
A universal pain that reverberates from within,
Yet we tell our stories as if there is no heartache
No loss
No regrets
No longings
Humanity is found in the scars,
It is found in the battles won
But also in the surviving triumph of loss.
Our fragility,
Our honesty
Our most vulnerable telling of life’s journey
Is where our hearts truly come alive.
My pain I share with you,
So that you may know that we are not alone,
In our drifting.
I will watch the stars above us,
Along side of you.
The water will carry us at its will
But we will be together.

Dedicated to my husband, the best partner in life that I could have ever hoped for.

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