Sunday, February 10, 2013

Timelessness of Expression


Most of us go through our lives striving for our hopes and dreams of youth. Along the way we are met with much challenge and adversity. Even in joy we remember the road traveled. We are of the understanding that what lies ahead will offer much of the same but perhaps our perspective widens. We grow skillful in our countenance, for it is in struggle where we are met with our most noble and triumphant self.

In my own journey, I have made witness to the pains of humanity, the debilitating woes of disappointment and the reassurance that each day brings a new light. Until then, in these moments of reflection, I sit beneath a lingering cloud that haunts my hours this day.

There are times where I feel that I am living the centuries before my own. Perhaps this what they speak of, when characterizing as an 'old soul'.



There is a darkness that looms in the air as a heavy weighted blanket.
A dense thickening that surrounds and suffocates.
Trees fallen barren arching their knotted branches
toward the sky in hopes of sunlight.
If ever was a time when days felt long and sullen,
a heart that breaks to no end.
Bastards, of childless unions like a phantom echo
of a life that was to be,
now void of the simplest pleasures.
A torn chasm into which I fall deeper,
losing my spirit in a darkening slumber.
Without purpose or reason,
I am lost in memories that have not yet occurred
but they bewitch me no less.
Is there a day like any other,
where the premonitions of a young girl may find their expression?
The scars running endlessly
cutting without discretion into the flesh that grows cold.
I await an escape from this treacherous cage
that thwarts my wings to fly.

Monday, January 28, 2013


There is nothing more divine than the linger of a touch
that walks the line between the head and heart.
The valleys under curves and
edges softened in the glow of dusk
caught in the shadows that shelter.
A breath that slows,
carefully finding it’s way from the lips
Long enough to return whole.
Open the soul,
Close the mind
Free the moment
to find it’s fire.
Let loose the angels and devils to play.
Where are we going, when we are chained to circles?
Running into the ground
our feet repeating each turn.
Round and round,
in what seems like a flurry.
Rushing to no where
as if the end game is in sight.
Life’s intoxicating journey
like a seduction of the senses
that makes us mad in their obsessions.
Our hands bound.
Our feet cursed.
Our inner voices deafening
when struggling to make weak
our spirits.
Fight on,
accept the moment
and then move forward.
There is no love in the embrace of that which holds us back.